The idea behind acupuncture is simple — it can help improve the flow of blood and energy, or Qi, throughout the body. Removing blockages to Qi, in turn, relieves pain and enhances healing. New research has found that its effectiveness may be due to the fact that it improves the flow of fluid through the connective tissue that lines the inner organs and surrounds the body’s muscles. This can reduce pain and promote healing in other parts of the body. Acupuncture also appears to stimulate the release of opioids, your body’s naturally occurring pain-killing chemicals.
I believe that true and lasting health is achieved when our mind, body and spirit are in balance. This includes being balanced within ourselves as well as in relation to our external environment. As we improve the circulation and flow of blood and Qi through acupuncture, the internal aspects of our being become balanced and healthy. We feel better and function at a higher level.
This in turn improves our relationship with our external environment. Our bodies become more resistant to disease and our ability to handle stress improves. This leads to a greater enjoyment of life and all it has to offer. I invite you to try acupuncture and see how it can change your life.
Cupping and acupuncture are the winning combination for dealing with chronic pain and muscle strains. Its popularity has grown in recent years, and you’ve probably seen professional athletes and celebrities with red markings on their bodies. Here’s what you need to know if you are thinking about adding cupping to your acupuncture treatment.
Cupping is a technique used to stimulate acupuncture points by applying a glass, bamboo or metal cup to the skin. The suction created by the cups causes the skin and the superficial muscle layer to be drawn into the cup. This is what stimulates blood flow and relaxes muscle tissue. This process gives skin that “bruised” appearance, but it’s important to know that no blood vessels are being broken in this process.
Typically, the cups are left in place for anywhere from five to 20 minutes while you relax. Your acupuncturist might also apply oil to the skin to help the cups slide over areas needing treatment and is usually done on the back. It’s also common for your practitioner to use four, six or 10 cups depending on the severity of the condition being treated.
Frequently applied after acupuncture, cupping is used for treatment of sprains, soft tissue injuries, fluid retention in the lungs, bronchitis, congestion, asthma, and chronic cough. Cupping is also recommended for the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders. Alleviating swelling and pain, cupping addresses a variety of acute ailments by removing stasis, or energy blockages. Cupping therapies often follow the acupoint selection pattern used in acupuncture therapy; back points in fleshy areas of the body are preferred sites. Increased blood flow into the cupping area allows the body region to heal more quickly and brings toxins to the surface, which can be released through the pores.
What’s happening in your body is that the cupping technique is activating your lymphatic system by causing your tissue to release toxins and clearing any energy blockages. Your acupuncturist might utilize cupping in addition to your traditional acupuncture treatment if you suffer from acute or chronic deep tissue pain.
The short answer is: Yes! There are several cupping techniques that can be used depending on what condition is being treated.
Ask your acupuncturist if cupping is the right technique for you. Your acupuncturist will do a thorough health history and answer any questions you might have. The combination of traditional acupuncture and cupping might just be the winning combination you have been searching for!
Acupuncture provides numerous health benefits from a holistic approach to wellness. It’s a non-pharmacological approach to health and wellness and addresses a variety of health concerns you might be struggling with.
One of the most well-known benefits of regular acupuncture treatments is its ability to reduce pain and inflammation. By stimulating specific points on the body, acupuncture can help to reduce headaches, back pain, and arthritis. Acupuncture helps address inflammation by helping the body release more cortisol and stimulating the vagus nerve, activating the body’s natural defense against inflammation.
Acupuncture improves digestive issues like heartburn, lactose intolerance, and irritable bowel syndrome. Even the World Health Organization acknowledges acupuncture’s role in effectively treating digestive imbalances.
Acupuncture is a great option to help improve the quality of your sleep. As mentioned above, acupuncture is great at treating chronic pain and inflammation which might be one cause of poor sleep. Most sleep remedies treat the symptoms associated with lack of sleep, but acupuncture looks at the core issues to regulate your body’s energy and restore your sleep cycle by reducing stress and inducing a feeling of calm and balance of the mind and body.
Acupuncture also improves the body’s immune system by manipulating energy flow and eliminating any blockages, thus restoring the body’s natural harmony. When meridians or channels are impaired or blocked, you can be much more vulnerable to illness.
While incorporating acupuncture into your wellness routine has amazing benefits, there are a few things to consider as you plan. Depending on your health goals, acupuncture can require a time commitment as sessions can be 30 to 60 minutes and could be more than once a week so keep that in mind. Also, acupuncture may not be covered by your insurance company, although more and more companies are starting to cover it. And probably the most important thing is to find a qualified practitioner, and starting on this website is a great start!
There are a few key things you can do to successfully integrate acupuncture into your wellness routine. One idea is to create a schedule to plan your regular acupuncture sessions. Consistency is key when it comes to integrating acupuncture. Work with your practitioner to plan a schedule that helps you achieve your wellness goals.
Acupuncture can be extremely effective when combined with other wellness practices like meditation, yoga, exercise and a healthy diet. Don’t be afraid to explore different approaches to see what works best for you. Another key is to keep the lines of communication open between you and your practitioner. It’s not only a good idea to discuss your goals, but also communicate any changes you notice as you incorporate acupuncture into your routine. This will help your practitioner make more personalized adjustments as needed.
With open communication, intentional planning, and consistency, acupuncture can become a valuable addition to your wellness routine, helping you achieve balance in your overall health. Call and make an appointment today to begin adding acupuncture to your wellness journey.
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